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Lisette Paras


Lisette Paras is the president & founder of Gravitate PR, a public relations firm that specializes in B2B and B2C technology assignments. Lisette has extensive experience in both in-house and PR agencies, working with brands such as Intel, WalkMe, Proofpoint (IPO), Rocket Fuel (IPO), Yammer (acquired by Microsoft), EDITED, Strivr and many others. She particularly enjoys working with global brands or those primed for their next stage of growth, and has worked on dozens of M&A/IPOs in her career.

Prior to founding Gravitate PR, she worked at a HR tech company, where she built the brand/PR program from the ground up (including messaging, media/analyst relations, customer stories, events, awards, social/digital and content marketing). Lisette has worked with a range of startups, pre-IPO and global multinationals in the U.S. and in Asia Pacific. She started her career in Australia, and her work with telecommunications provider, Telstra, for its “Telstra Productivity Indicator” campaign resulted in more than six industry and PR awards, including “Best Brand” at the World Communications Awards.

How did you get into PR?

I finished my university degree thinking that I was going to be a war correspondent. After realizing that there weren't many opportunities in Australia, I looked through the Yellow Pages business directory and cold-called a bunch of PR firms, eventually snagging an entry-level role.

What type of technology excites you the most?

So many, honestly I think that's why I've been in tech PR as there's always something new that piques my interest with the potential to shape how we live.

Favorite hobbies or activities?

I like dancing, particularly West African at this moment. You'll also find me kayaking, paragliding, rock climbing, or hiking on the weekends when the weather is nice enough here.

Favorite movie or book?

My favorite book is the Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas

Favorite food?

Japanese - sushi in particular

Top destination you'd like to travel to?

Any of the 'stan countries are high on my list at the moment but my next trip is likely going to be to Belize for some diving adventures.

Fun fact most people don't know about you?

I actually grew up in Australia and have a rather strong Aussie accent that only comes out now if I'm tired, around other Australians, or had too much to drink.
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